About Me

I am also a wife, mother, elected official, cyclist, nerd, church volunteer, musician,victim of adult-onset athleticism, community volunteer, and homemaker. I am married to Fun Has Arrived (FHA) and am mother of Astronerd and B. Contact me at Karenchronicles at gmail dot com.


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Thursday, March 1, 2012

March 1, 2012

Last night, Astronerd and I attended Hale Center Theater Orem's production of Xanadu.  What fun!  I laughed and laughed.  I am proud to say I never owned legwarmers or sequined clothing.  Here is what is leaving my house today:

1. Blouse.  A hand-me down that never fit right.

2. 7 books to Mr. B

3. Cuff links.  Part of a tie, cuff link and handkerchief set.  FHA kept the tie.

4.  Handkerchief.  See #3

5.  Plastic mailing tube.  As I mentioned in a previous post, I have a tendency to keep mailing tubes, even if I don't mail anything in them.  This one was missing one of its end caps, so out it went.

Destinations:  Mr. B, Deseret Industries and Recylcing

Items De-owned to Date:  320

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